Total MEK Kinase-6 Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit

  • 货号:KA3509C
  • 应用:ELISA
  • 种属:Human;Mouse
    • 基因名称:
    • MAP3K6
    • Human Gene Id:
    • 9064
    • Human Swiss Prot No:
    • O95382
    • Mouse Swiss Prot No:
    • Q9WTR2
    • 储存:
    • 2-8°C/6 months
    • 其他名称:
    • Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 (EC (Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 2)
    • 检测方法:
    • Colorimetric
    • 背景:
    • catalytic activity:ATP + a protein = ADP + a phosphoprotein.,cofactor:Magnesium.,enzyme regulation:Activated by phosphorylation on Thr-806. Catalytically active only when complexed with MAP3K5, with MAP3K5 supporting the stability and the active configuration of MAP3K6 and MAP3K6 activating MAP3K5 by direct phosphorylation.,function:Component of a protein kinase signal transduction cascade. Activates the JNK, but not ERK or p38 kinase pathways.,similarity:Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily.,similarity:Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. STE Ser/Thr protein kinase family. MAP kinase kinase kinase subfamily.,similarity:Contains 1 protein kinase domain.,subunit:Binds both upstream activators and downstream substrates in multimolecular complexes.,
    • 功能:
    • MAPKKK cascade, activation of MAPK activity, regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, protein amino acid phosphorylation, phosphorus metabolic process, phosphate metabolic process, intracellular signaling cascade, protein kinase cascade, JNK cascade, activation of JUN kinase activity, regulation of protein kinase cascade, phosphorylation,regulation of phosphate metabolic process, stress-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, regulation of protein modification process, regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, cellular response to stress, positive regulation of kinase activity, regulation of phosphorylation, positive regulation of catalytic activity, regulation of MAP kinase activity,positive regulation of MAP kinase activity, regulation of MAPKKK cascade, regulation of JUN kinase activity, positive regulation of JUN kinase activity, regulation of kinase activity, po