Total CYP2D6 Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit

  • 货号:KA3905C
  • 应用:ELISA
  • 种属:Human
    • 基因名称:
    • CYP2D6
    • Human Gene Id:
    • 1565
    • Human Swiss Prot No:
    • P10635
    • 储存:
    • 2-8°C/6 months
    • 其他名称:
    • Cytochrome P450 2D6 (EC (CYPIID6) (Cytochrome P450-DB1) (Debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase)
    • 检测方法:
    • Colorimetric
    • 背景:
    • catalytic activity:RH + reduced flavoprotein + O(2) = ROH + oxidized flavoprotein + H(2)O.,cofactor:Heme group.,function:Responsible for the metabolism of many drugs and environmental chemicals that it oxidizes. It is involved in the metabolism of drugs such as antiarrhythmics, adrenoceptor antagonists, and tricyclic antidepressants.,induction:By pregnancy.,online information:CYP2D6 alleles,online information:CYP2D6 entry,polymorphism:Allele CYP2D6*7 was also known as CYP2D6E, allele CYP2D6*9 as CYP2D6C, allele CYP2D6*10 as CYP2D6J, allele CYP2D6*17 as CYP2D6Z.,polymorphism:Genetic variations in CYP2D6 are the cause of poor drug metabolism CYP2D6-related [MIM:608902]. The CYP2D6 gene is highly polymorphic. CYP2D6 activity ranges widely within a population comprising ultrarapid (UM), extensive (EM), intermediate (IM) and poor (PM) metabolizer phenotypes. UM and PM are those most at risk for treatment failure or dose-dependent drug toxicity, respectively. Of the Caucasian populations of Europe and North America, 5%-10% are of the PM phenotype and are unable to metabolize the antihypersensitive drug debrisoquine and numerous other drugs.,polymorphism:Isozymes CYP2D6.45 (Lys-155, Cys-296 and Thr-486) and CYP2D6.46 (His-26, Lys-155, Cys-296 and Thr-486) are functional.,similarity:Belongs to the cytochrome P450 family.,
    • 功能:
    • drug metabolic process, oxidation reduction,
    • 细胞定位:
    • Endoplasmic reticulum membrane; Peripheral membrane protein. Microsome membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein.