Total CYP2E1 Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit

  • 货号:KA3891C
  • 应用:ELISA
  • 种属:Human;Mouse;Rat
    • 基因名称:
    • CYP2E1
    • Human Gene Id:
    • 1571
    • Human Swiss Prot No:
    • P05181
    • Mouse Swiss Prot No:
    • Q05421
    • 储存:
    • 2-8°C/6 months
    • 其他名称:
    • Cytochrome P450 2E1 (EC 1.14.13.-) (4-nitrophenol 2-hydroxylase) (EC 1.14.13.n7) (CYPIIE1) (Cytochrome P450-J)
    • 检测方法:
    • Colorimetric
    • 背景:
    • catalytic activity:4-nitrophenol + NADPH + O(2) = 4-nitrocatechol + NADP(+) + H(2)O.,cofactor:Heme group.,function:Metabolizes several precarcinogens, drugs, and solvents to reactive metabolites. Inactivates a number of drugs and xenobiotics and also bioactivates many xenobiotic substrates to their hepatotoxic or carcinogenic forms.,induction:By ethanol and isoniazid.,online information:CYP2E1 alleles,online information:CYP2E1 entry,similarity:Belongs to the cytochrome P450 family.,
    • 功能:
    • drug metabolic process, oxidation reduction,
    • 细胞定位:
    • Endoplasmic reticulum membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein . Microsome membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein . Mitochondrion inner membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein . Post-translationally targeted to mitochondria. TOMM70 is required for the translocation across the mitochondrial outer membrane. After translocation into the matrix, associates with the inner membrane as a membrane extrinsic protein. .